
Hi. My name is Orr Hirschauge. 

Born in 1976, I currently live in Tel-Aviv Israel, married to Adaya, editing TechNation, a tech news site, part of the Ha'Aretz/TheMarker media group.

Some years back I've founded Daemon Books, a rare and hard to find online e-business that specialized in harnessing the web in the help of finding some real heavy lifting antique books.

I currently have a few ongoing projects, some of them just starting to take-off.

This blog was created in order to bring together too many things I have written quite all over the web.

Occasionally, I tweet.  

Conatct me via mail at orr.hirschauge at themarker.com.

LinkedIn is another good option.

Movie reviews and book reviews presented in the blog were originally published in LivingSocial. My books list can currently be found on Goodreads.